BZFLAG - Map - Experiments (1.7g2)Home of bmcclt - the bzflag map creators command line tools:Currently I code some command line tools to create some special objects for bzflag maps. At this moment this includes a tree, a bridge with piers, and a tunnel.You can place these objects whereever you want -- all rotation and translation is done automagically. Example: # bzmapbridge 50,0,0 100,50,0 10 3This command will create the map data of a bridge from x=50,y=0,z=0 (roadlevel) to point x=100,y=50,z=0 with 3 pier pairs, with a road width of 10. This example bridge has an angle of 45° degree. There's no need for you to calculate the rotation parameters - every two points on the same level will work! I've started a project on sourceforge. I'll place the downloads there... Newest version: 20031029 ! (bugfix in bzmapwall making it possible to place a wall above ground. found a bug in medievalWall: when the wall is at the wrong place, exchange P1 and P2! There's also a new demo map: Try it locally, to see what is possible. The shell script I used to create the map is in the bmcclt archive, "demo/". Objects you can create in this version: tree, bridge, tunnel, minefield (V 1), simple wall, block pyramid. All tools have command line help, -h., --help, -?. Screenshots (taken from this map:,
The blue area that looks like water is a minefield. Drive into it, and the one that shoots you is happy :-) A new toy of the upcoming version 4: bzmap_text: Rewritten text renderer: ![]() First version: ![]() The "older" stuff:(*.py = Python2.2 source, *.map = map in text format)
All this is experimental stuff. Use it, if you want to. 2003-10-16:, A tunnel to be placed by defining two coordinates in the map. This first tunnel class has three elements. So a tunnel in the air will have no ground (-> next version). There's a screenshot, showing some trees and a random placed tunnel: tunnel1.png. The linked demo map has 100 trees, some small bridges, some random tunnels, and a corner tunnel with a mirror. I've got to code a parser that lets someone use the elements in way like this: genMap -f myworld.mdf -o Wait some days... :-), Several trees and a generic bridge class. Screenshots: bridge_park01.png, park9b.png . I define the bridges by telling a class the start and end point. Rotation is done automagically. It is possible to set up the width (10) and the number of bridge piers (length / 40)., Trees of different size and form. Screenshot: Dawn at 0° longitude, 2003, October 10th., A spiral and two teleporters. A pool with water. Make two, symmetrical, one with pyramids under water. = TRAP! :) Setup / Starting a test server:How to call the local test server:bzfs -pf -r -h -mp 40 -ms 1 +r -j +s 20 -sa -st 30 -sw 1 -ttl 8 -g -world Lcoal configuration in bzflag/options: Server: localhost Port: 5156 Setting options in config file ~/.bzflag.<hostname> (geographic coordinates): ... latitude 51.000000 longitude -8.000000 ... |