Export-file - export complex images in a simplified version

You most probably don't need this script. Please see the note below

It is always the same Problem: You create a wonderful image with a complex structure, multiple layers, full alpha-channel and so on. To put it on your web-page you need it in gif: Merge visible layers, remove invisible layers, semiflatten the image, convert to indexed, save as gif...


To continue your work you have to "undo, undo, undo, undo ....." - hopefully you have enouge undo-levels...

Here is the solution: export-file.scm does all this work for you. Simply do a <Image>/File/Export/Gif. You can change some parameters, the image will be saved, and after a single undo the original image is restored.

New - updated for Gimp 1.1.9

There are some export file-formats predefined - formats with different capabilities can be added quickly. It saves the image with an additional extension to the image-name, e.g. "-export" (configurable in the script). So "testfile.xcf.gz" will be saved as "testfile-export.gif".

New - updated for Gimp 1.2.5

Olivier Clavel was so kind to port this script to 1.2.5 - some PDB functions changed their name so that the original script did no longer work.

Please note that the problem description above basically is outdated. Since 1.2.x Gimp has an Export feature. Simply save your multi-layered file with a filename indicating your preferred image format and if this format cannot handle the features of your image an export-dialog will popup that asks you what to do about this conflict.

Basically this is my excuse why I do no longer maintain this script :-)

I hope the script is handy. Any suggestions and problems to me.

Grab the script: export-file.scm

Some screnshots

The most flexible dialog:
[Export-file dialog]

The Gif export dialog:
[Export-gif dialog]

The Jpeg export dialog:
[Export-jpeg dialog]

[an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Zuletzt geändert am 02.08.03    © 2000-2003 by Simon Budig