Fire Effect with the GIMP

The only interesting on this is the flame. The fireplace is ugly,
the glow is the Lava-effect.
OK: Here is a short overview:
Create two 256x256 Pictures
Image 1
- Solid Noise
Seed 0 / Detail 2 / Turbulent yes /
Tileable no / X Size 8.3 / Y Size 3.8
- Image/Adjust curves
Value: 0% -> 25% / 100% -> 100%
- Cubism
Tile size 9.0 / Saturation 1.9 / Use background no
- Motion Blur
Length 10 / Blur linear / Angle 82 deg.
Image 2
- Black background
- Add layer
- Select "Fire" gradient
- Select region and fill with gradient
- Unselect region
- Image / Distorts / Displace
X Displace: 10 / Y Displace: 50 /
On edges smear / Displace with 1st image
The "Fire" Gradient:
GIMP Gradient
0.000000 0.018671 0.038397 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.260000 0.000000 0.660000 0 0
0.038397 0.078464 0.141738 1.000000 0.260000 0.000000 0.660000 1.000000 0.440000 0.130000 1.000000 0 0
0.141738 0.233640 0.325543 1.000000 0.440000 0.130000 1.000000 1.000000 0.750000 0.270000 0.950000 0 0
0.325543 0.435726 0.510851 1.000000 0.750000 0.270000 0.950000 1.000000 0.890000 0.120000 0.760000 0 0
0.510851 0.679466 1.000000 1.000000 0.890000 0.120000 0.760000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 0
Well - I'm not really satisfied: It is very resolution dependent and the
colors of the gradient could be improved. Any suggetions are welcome: