System requirements for Jack
Jack has been developed using Linux, but I think it should work with other unices, too, as long as it resembles posix (has ptys, ...). If it doesn't work, tell me!
In order to run Jack, you must have the following installed:
- python: at least version 2.2. You also need the following modules (they are all part of the
python source distribution but some may not be installed by default:
- termios
- sndhdr
- urllib
- pty
- wav
If it doesn't run, check these first!
- Ben Gertzfield's ID3 module.
Supported DAE utils (ripper):
Supported audio encoders:
"All trademarks are owned by their owners" or whatever I have to state.
© Arne Zellentin,
(changed: Sunday, 28-Nov-2004 18:48:03 CET)